Friday, November 7, 2014

Hiking Above The City of Angels

This new transition to living in Los Angeles has given me a second chance for everything: a fresh start if you will. Among starting a new job, starting a new school... (which neither will happen for a few months anyway) I also have other goals that I want to accomplish now that I'm living here. 

I want to get into shape. Now, by "in shape" I don't mean buff and muscley. I just want a healthier lifestyle. I want to eat well and exercise often.

Today marks the beginning of my journey into a healthier lifestyle. This past year I've been way too focused on my career/school to focus on my health. I'm going to make more time for myself.

This morning I did a simple and very short hike up a mountain behind the city of Burbank in Wildwood Canyon Park. You could see all of Los Angeles from the top of the mountain. It was truly beautiful! It took only an hour to do the hike and due to the elevation gain I was huffing and puffing like crazy.

I'm hoping I can do things like this every morning right when I wake up. If not a hike, anything physical like: yoga, walking, gym etc.

Even when I have a job and I have to be at the salon at 8 every morning, I can wake up early enough to get a workout in and then get ready for work.

Much love,


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